Popular Addons in Plutonium Build: Incursion, Sportsdevil, Rising Tides, Aragon Live, Maverick TV, Supremacy, Star Tec, WOW and many more.
Categories in Plutonium Kodi Build: Movies, TV Shows, Scream, Docuvision, True Grit, Nitro, Nippers, VOD & Subs, Videos, DJ Time, Apps, System 1.7, Game On, Power, Hobbies, Live TV, Tap Out, & Hilarious
How to install Plutonium Kodi Build?#
#1: First of all, enable the unknown source to download the build from Ezzermacs Repository.
#2: Click the Settings icon on the home screen.
#3: On the settings page, select File Manager.
#4: Double-click Add Source.
#5: On the source page, select menu.
#6: Now, enter the source URL for Ezzermacs repo and click OK.
URL: http://www.ezzer-mac.com/repo
#7: Name your source as Mini and click OK.
#8: Get back to the home screen and select Addons.
#9: Select the module icon located on the menu bar.
#10: Select Install from Zip File.
#11: Select the Mini source that you added.
#12: Click the zip file which labelled as repository.EzzerMacsWizard.zip.
#13: Wait for Ezzermacs Repo to install on your Kodi.
#14: After installing the Ezzermacs repo, select Install from Repository.
#15: Select the Ezzermacs repo that you installed.
#16: Select Program Addons.
#17: Select the Ezzermac Wizard.
#18: Select Install to download the Ezzermac Wizard.
#19: After installing the build, click Dismiss -> Continue -> Ignore.
#20: Return to the home screen and navigate to Addons -> Program Addons -> Ezzermacs Wizard.
#21: On the home page of Wizard, select Builds.
#22: Select Plutonium Build.
#23: Select Fresh Install.
#24: Click Continue on the next screen to restore the Kodi settings.
#25: The Plutonium build starts to download and install on your Kodi.
#26: After installing the build, Force close the Kodi app
#27: Launch the Kodi app to use Plutonium build.
Final Thoughts#
Plutonium is a fast working Kodi build that you can install to access all kind of popular addons from one place. Since it is a lightweight build, you can use this build even on low-end devices like Firestick.
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